Guafo Island – Chile
How Blue Planet supports the marine ecosystem in one of the most valuable ecosystems of the world.
A Coastal and Marine Conservation Area for the Island of Guafo, Chile
Chile’s coastal marine ecosystems are among the most valuable in the world. In particular, the island of Guafo is internationally considered a priority for conservation in the scientific world. The project, which is part of the WWF Chile Marine Programme, aims to establish concrete measures to reduce the risk of collision between ships and blue whales (over 30 metres in length) passing through this area. The impacts often cause fatal injuries to these marine mammals, thus also affecting their social behaviour. The measures consist of the adoption of marine spatial planning proposals by national decision-makers and the identification of a real-time acoustic warning system to effectively report the presence of blue whales to maritime authorities and ship masters. The project will end in 2021.
An impressive video about the migration of whales can be watched at BBC.
Carried out with
WWF Switzerland
Blue Planet - Virginia Böger Stiftung X.X.
Via Serafino Balestra 18
6900 Lugano